How to Use Chat GPT: A Simple Guide for Beginners

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm and has managed to become the fastest-growing application in the world in a shockingly short amount of time. With all the talk about its potential impact, it’s natural to wonder: how do you use ChatGPT?

You need two things to use ChatGPT: an OpenAI account and a web browser, as ChatGPT doesn’t currently offer a dedicated app. Visit and sign up for an account using your email address, or a Google or Microsoft account. Once you’re logged in, you can finally use the AI chatbot!

Using ChatGPT is simple enough; the real question is: what can you use it for? This guide will cover everything you need to know to make the most of one of the most exciting technologies of this century, including how it works, how to use it, and what you can use it for.

Let’s get started!

How to use chat gpt

What Is Chat GPT?

Chatgpt home screen.

ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It is designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives.

As a conversational AI chatbot, ChatGPT can help you do a variety of tasks, such as drafting messages, creating content, answering questions, and even engaging in casual conversations.

Its advanced natural language processing capabilities enable it to produce contextually relevant and coherent responses, making it a powerful tool for enhancing digital communication and automating various text-based tasks.

Can I Use Chat GPT for Free?

The short answer is yes. OpenAI has made ChatGPT free to use. However, the free tier has some limitations, including limited capacity during peak times.

ChatGPT will likely not be free forever, but it is for now. It provides OpenAI with valuable user feedback and promotes the wider use of the AI language model in different industries.

What Is ChatGPT Plus?

In addition to the free tier, OpenAI introduced a subscription plan called ChatGPT Plus that costs $20 per month and offers additional benefits, such as faster response times, priority access to new features, improvements, and increased API usage limits.

This plan is designed to enhance your experience with Chat GPT and ensures you get the best possible results from your interactions with the chatbot.

So, what about the different versions…

GPT-3 vs GPT-3.5 vs GPT-4: What Does It All Mean?

GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” It’s a type of artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI.

The term “Generative” refers to the model’s ability to generate text based on the input it receives, while “Pre-trained” signifies that the language model has been trained on a large dataset before being fine-tuned using human feedback and reinforcement learning.

Finally, “Transformer” is the underlying architecture used in GPT, which is a neural network design introduced in 2017 that has become the foundation for many state-of-the-art natural language processing models.

So, GPT is basically just the language model the ChatGPT AI bot uses to understand context and generate coherent, human-like text.

The numbers that come after GPT like “GPT-3.5” or “GPT-4” simply refer to the model version number, with GPT-4 being the latest model of ChatGPT.

While GPT-3 demonstrated impressive results in AI language processing, GPT-3.5 pushed the boundaries even further and incorporated improvements in both processing and output quality.

However, GPT-4 goes even further and is much more concise than 3.5, so much so that it was able to pass the law bar exam with ease!

Now that we’ve covered the nitty-gritty, we’ll go over the exact steps to follow to start using ChatGPT in the next section.

How to Use Chat GPT in 6 Simple Steps

This section will guide you through the process of getting started with the ChatGPT AI bot, including how to create a free account on the OpenAI website and logging in for the first time.

All you need is Google Chrome, Firefox, or any desktop or mobile browser of your choice.

Step 1. Go to to access the Chat GPT login page, and click on the “Sign up” button to get started

Go to to get started with ChatGPT

Step 2. Fill out the registration form with your email address and password. Alternatively, you can sign up using your Google or Microsoft account

Fill out your email and create a strong password to create an account for accessing ChatGPT

Step 3. You must verify your email address before you can get started. Check your inbox for the verification email

Check your inbox and verify your email address to get started with ChatGPT

Step 4. Once you verify your account, provide the required details.

Provide your first and last names and your birthday to finalize your ChatGPT account

Step 5. Next, enter a valid mobile number and input the code you will receive via text

Input your phone number and then enter the code ChatGPT will send via SMS

Step 6. Voila! You can now access ChatGPT!

Now you can access ChatGPT and start a new chat

It’s important to note that the free version of ChatGPT can sometimes be slow and you may get logged out when there is high demand.

To avoid those complications, consider using the premium version, we take a look at how you can do that in the next section.

How to Signup for Chat GPT Plus

The free version of ChatGPT is good enough for most tasks, but if you want faster responses, more detail, and access to the latest features, you should consider getting ChatGPT Plus.

After creating an account, you can sign up for ChatGPT Plus to receive priority access to ChatGPT. Here’s how you do it!

Step 1. On the bottom-left side of the dashboard, click on the “Upgrade to Plus” button

Step 2. Click on the “Upgrade Plan” button

ChatGPT Plus costs $20 per month and comes with a number of advantages

Follow the steps to enter your payment information and complete the subscription process.

ChatGPT Plus costs $20 per month. In addition to faster response speeds and availability during high-demand hours, you also gain access to OpenAI’s newest features, including GPT-4, which is the most advanced model of ChatGPT released to date.

How Does Chat GPT Work?

All right, so now you know how to use Chat GPT. This section will cover everything you should know to make the most of it and use ChatGPT effectively, including how to write good prompts and how to handle back-and-forth conversations.

1. Becoming a Prompt Wizard

An example of a humorous prompt asking ChatGPT to write lyrics like a pirate

Using Chat GPT requires writing “prompts,” which is really just a technical way of saying you’re asking it a question. That may sound simple enough, but Chat GPT can give you wildly different responses depending on the prompt you use.

To get the most out of Chat GPT, follow these best practices for writing prompts:

  1. Be specific: Clearly state your requirements or questions to help the AI understand the context and generate a relevant response. Giving specific prompts with more details can help reduce ambiguity.
  2. Use step-by-step or bullet-point instructions: When seeking answers to complex questions or asking for content creation, break your prompt down into smaller parts or provide a list of items you’d like to see in the response.
  3. Set the desired format: If you have a preferred format or style for the answer, make sure to mention it in your prompt.
  4. Ask for sources or references: If you require information supported by research, explicitly ask Chat GPT to provide sources or references in its response. However, make sure you double-check the links! Chat GPT can sometimes give dead links.
  5. Limit response length: If you need a concise answer, specify the desired length, such as “in one paragraph” or “in 100 words.”
  6. Iterate: If the initial response isn’t satisfactory, refine your prompt or ask follow-up questions to get the desired output.
  7. Experiment: Feel free to try different approaches and phrasings to find the most effective way to communicate your needs to the AI.

Chat GPT is just a tool, and you’re going to need to adjust your prompts and instructions to get the best results.

Don’t hesitate to rephrase or provide additional context if the AI doesn’t fully understand your request at first.

You can ask Chat GPT to take on the role of a writer, editor, tutor, code helper, conversation partner, language translator, pirate, the legendary detective Colombo, and more!

You can also ask it to use a variety of tones, including formal, casual, persuasive, descriptive, humorous, emotional, technical, and more. Simply specify your desired tone (E.g., “Using a humorous style, describe . . .”) in your prompt.

2. Handling Multi-Turn Conversations

You can have back-and-forth conversations with ChatGPT

Having a back-and-forth with Chat GPT is fairly straightforward. The chatbot is designed to handle multi-turn conversations. It can recall past conversations, but there is a limit to how far back it can remember.

The exact limit depends on the model. For example, GPT-3.5 has a limit of around 8,000 words, which is equivalent to four to five book pages. That means the chatbot will start to lose track of the conversation once it crosses that threshold.

GPT-4, which is only available to Chat GPT Plus subscribers, has a significantly higher limit and can handle around 64,000 words.

How long you can keep up a conversation with Chat GPT will depend on what model you’re using.

You should also keep in mind the model’s responses are influenced by the previous messages in the conversation, so make sure to provide enough context in each step.

Using Chat GPT is easy enough, but what if you want to integrate it into your own applications? We take a look at how you could do that in the next section.

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Does Chat GPT have an API?

ChatGPT has an API that is available once you create an account

Chat GPT has a cloud-based application programming interface (API) for developers who want to harness its powers to build their own applications.

Using the OpenAI Chat API, developers can access Chat GPT’s large language model and do things like:

  • Write code using a variety of programming languages
  • Create customer service chatbots, AI assistant apps, and other dialogue applications
  • Provide tutoring on a variety of services
  • Translate languages
  • Write articles, draft emails, and other AI-generated content
  • Play the role of a non-playable character (NPC) in a video game.

These are just some of the things you could potentially do with the API. Your ingenuity is the limit!

To learn more about how to use Chat GPT’s API, check out Enterprise DNA’s course on the basics of the ChatGPT API.

Will Chat GPT-4 Replace Jobs?

GitHub Copilot, Duolingo, Keeper Tax, and Viable are just some examples of apps using  GPT-4

The short answer is yes, ChatGPT will replace some jobs.

According to a recent study by Open Research, OpenAI, and the University of Pennsylvania, the jobs that are most at risk of being impacted by AI are higher-paying jobs, particularly those in writing and programming.

However, ChatGPT has a more positive outlook; the bot notes that while AI technologies might impact jobs, they could also augment human capabilities in many sectors and enhance productivity and innovation.

Several major companies are already incorporating ChatGPT into their products and services. For example Microsoft’s Bing uses GPT-4 to function as an AI-fueled search engine.

Duolingo announced Duolingo Max, which is a new subscription tier built using GPT-4 that can tailor language lessons to the learner and enable them to use features like “Roleplay” and “Explain My Answer.”

Salesforce has announced the addition of an AI-fueled assistant called Einstein into the messaging app Slack that can perform research, draft responses, and write thread summaries — all without leaving Slack.

There’s no doubt that ChatGPt and similar AI systems will force the job market to evolve. It’s crucial for everyone to adapt, learn new skills, and be open to working in collaboration with AI systems.

Using the basics of chagpt.

Our Final Thoughts on Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an incredibly powerful tool for anyone who wants quick answers to questions, ideas and inspiration, coding assistance, or some writing help.

To access Chat GPT, all you need to do is make a free account on the OpenAI website. With its user-friendly interface and vast knowledge base, Chat GPT makes it easy for users to generate high-quality content and discover new insights.

And if you’re really serious about taking your writing to the next level, sign up for Chat GPT Plus and unlock even more features and functionality. You can take it even further by accessing ChatGPT’s API and integrating the AI chatbot into your own apps and products. The possibilities are endless!

Ultimately, you need to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest uses for Chat GPT; ignoring it is not an option.

Well, it is, but you could be left behind, we don’t mean to scare you, but this is the future.

Now, our team of ChatGPT specialists has our ears to the ground on a global scale.




We are up-to-date and have been embracing Chat GPT day in, day out since its inception.

So, what does that mean for you?

Well, basically, “we got ya back” with this whole ChatGPT thing.

In fact, we will help you utilize this tech to enhance your job, and your life, save you time, and increase your productivity in work and in life.


All you gotta do, is subscribe to our exclusive ChatGPT mailing list below and join 9,987 others in staying ahead of the competition.

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